Brian's Blog
Thursday, 28 February 2008
greetings from nm
Mood:  chillin'
Sitting in Deming NM. Never did wind up taking a day off since leaving Mom's in Hemet. Had about 2 1/2 days of climbing east of Phoenix and mostly flat going thru Lordsburg NM. Taking a day off today. Everythings going well, feeling good but the legs are wanting a down day. High desert, flat as can be but at 4000+ ft. Weathers been great. Met a couple of other riders, hell I think I'm getting by with the minimums, the one French guy I met made my bike look like a Cadillac. I've sent a few clothing items home to shed about 5 lbs. of weight. Camping way out in the desert a few nights is weird and cool. You just lie there and listen to the coyotes. Starting tomorrow it's a 2 day ride to Texas. San Antonio is my next down day. So far, so good.   Brian

Posted by briansride at 10:35 AM PST

Thursday, 28 February 2008 - 4:50 PM PST

Name: "Aaron"

Brian -
Good to hear that you're doing well.
I'm insanely jealous that you are outside while I sit in my office all day at work.

Keep it up!

Thursday, 28 February 2008 - 6:43 PM PST

Name: "Ron "

Hey Brian

Wow! By my estimate (and I could easily be wrong) you're about 1000 miles into the trip with about 1800 or so to go before you roll up here in Orlando. Cool.  I spoke to Rick yesterday, says he's got a cold one waiting on you when you reach San Antonio. 

The pictures are great! Keep up the great work dude.

Keep the rubber side down.........Ron

Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 12:53 AM PST

Name: "Don"

Brian Ive been keeping track of your progress and your doing great. may the wind be always at your back

Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 12:03 PM PST

Name: "Maureen"

Brian - In Houston, Jim, Becca & their great dane are happy to have you stay with them. Willing to meet you somewhere if their house is too far off the route.  He's on spring break week of March 4. Msg on your cell w/their phn # & they have your #.  Keep those wheels on the bike going round & round....  


Monday, 3 March 2008 - 10:06 AM PST

Name: "Walter Cheng"

Brian - Keep on pedaling buddy. I'm amazed at your progress. I guess that "beer power" theory works. I told a few guys that know you from the Oakland days and they are amazed as well. If you get around to it, shoot some self portraits. I think it will complement the photo album.

Take care

Tuesday, 4 March 2008 - 9:24 PM PST

Name: "andy "

hey hondo.....where the heck' r ya??.....been lookin  fwd to keepin up/w/yer 'venture'...roger??.....hope yer holdin out....been sheddin some 'clothes' weight?? bout them water "oasis" texas.....thats what i am figgerrin you are gonna needin....yeah??...ya aint really been missin nuthin round here...cept this union vote is pickin up 'steam' me yer phone number..n maybe ill give you some encouragement over the line...

Thursday, 6 March 2008 - 4:48 PM PST

Name: "Ben F."

Hi Brian,

Keep it up! You are so fortunate to be able to do this.

We are voting for representation now. Hopefully, we'll get the IBT and a strong contract next time. 

I'm going on vacation to Indian Wells for a tennis clinic and to see the Pros at the Pacific Life Open. I'll cruise thru Joshua Tree Park in a rag top, not a bicycle. I'm going to visit Vegas first to finance my trip, lol.

Ride safe, 


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