Brian's Blog
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Live from Western China
Mood:  a-ok

Folks I am chillin' in Urumqi, getting ready for what I beleive to be the best challenge of the journey, crossing the Gobi. In the last several days I passed out of bleak desert into some very nice irrigated lands full of melons and vineyards. I'll skirt along a mountain range for about a week before hitting Hami, where the road turns south and plunges across the open desert. I have faith from what I've seen so far, the roads are very nice and have good space on the side and there's the national gas stations every 20-40 k's. Like most things, I'm expecting the worst and it'll probably be just fine as long as I keep thinking ahead.

Urumqi is a very large nice city but in the country it looks like a post nuclear age where everyone just decided to move back in. Everyone lives in some mud shack or broken building.They just put a shade cover up front and move in. I needn't mean to speak poorly of what I see, it's just the only way I can quickly describe it. The people are just as nice as I've run into, everytime I stop they whip out a drink, a melon and smokes and politely ask if they can have their picture taken with me and offer me a place to stay. I'm having to relay this and the rest of my messages for the journey thru Cody, my website will simply not load here in China, there's a national filter and perhaps because mine is a new site it hasn't made the grade.

I really enjoy reading everyones remarks to the blog so I am going to have Cody email me all of the comments. Again, I'll try to load some pics, but can't promise anything. I'm keeping my head into this, trying to ride it hard all the way to the finish, telling myself don't ever think you've made it until I arrive in Hong Kong. Plenty of adventure ahead and some incredible scenery. Oh and plenty of mountains. Take care everyone.    Brian

Posted by briansride at 10:59 AM PDT

Wednesday, 23 July 2008 - 5:30 PM PDT

Name: "Mom"

Hi Brian just read your latest blog things sound pretty positive, and happy to hear there are gas stations along the way so that means there is traffic, and a place to get water and food, at least you dont have to worry about buying gas, its $4:45 a gallon here. You have seen another side of the world since you left here from poverty to wealth, what a journey. Cody is doing great he keeps me up to date as often as he can, not to mention I check two or three times a day for blogs myself!!!! you know me!!. take care and stay safe are my thoughts for you every day, Love Mom.

Saturday, 26 July 2008 - 3:27 AM PDT

Name: "Ben Frager"

Hey Brian,

I've been checking in now and then. What an adventure! I'm going on a 10 day cruise to Alaska tomorrow with my wife and son. Should be relaxing, scenic and unfortunately rainy. My daughter got accepted to grad school and is working two jobs this summer so she won't be coming out. Did I tell you I bought a Harley? Well, I got about 7500mi on it already, no problems. My son wanted a mountain bike for his birthday so we've been riding bikes about three times a week lately. We got him a nice one at REI. There's some new bosses at work and they've been chopping heads in management like I've never seen before. Unfortunately, we're probably gonna lose most if not all the recalled mechs that came back this year. They're also offering us a buyout ($12,500 & travel) but you gotta apply by Aug. 1st. Good luck on the rest of your trip! 



Tuesday, 19 May 2009 - 9:52 AM PDT

Name: "jaime webb"

hi brian, i know this may be a strange ?,,but i am searching for a half brother from germany. my bio dad was russel e tripp and i am searching desperately for him so if you have any advice or can help please contact me my home # is 315-713-4920 in the usa.thank you for your time

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