Brian's Blog
Friday, 6 June 2008
Russian Riding
Mood:  a-ok
I'm currently in Bickova Russia about 150k north of Volgograd. So far Russia has been a great experience. Everyone here is real nice. In Volgograd I spent two days at Telman's house, one of a group of motorcyclist I'd met a few days earlier. Telman is a very successful buisnessman in the city and I was truly living in style there. He showed me all around the city and refused to let me pay for anything. His wife and two sons treated me like a king. I am still amazed at the hospitality I have encountered so far. His motorcycle club friends took me out one night to their clubhouse in an old weapons bunker and treated me to a banya. After leaving Volgograd I went about 70 k up the Volga river and stopped at a small cafe. Wound up drinking and eating most of the night with the regulars and camped out back. Again, they wouldn't let me pay a cent. The folks here are first class. I'm going to be heading east into Kazakhstan, arriving at the border in about 3 days. No more big cities now until Astana in central K. If my updates or contacts get a bit scarce it's because it's getting tougher to find an internet location. Hey I'm almost to Kazakhstan. This journey is on schedule and no problems so far. I cannot wait to arrive in San Francisco though, I miss everyone alot and I appreciate everyone's good wishes. Take care and keep pulling for me, I'm living on some pretty good luck so far.  Brian

Posted by briansride at 5:26 AM PDT

Friday, 6 June 2008 - 10:02 AM PDT

Name: "Mom June 6."

Hi Brian it was so good to see your Blog this morning ( I check twice each day) but you know me!!!, the hospitality is unbelievable for you  on this trip what great people you have encountered  and a great experience. .I can understand you missing home a lot thats understandable. All is well here so continue to be safe on the rest of your journey, you will be able to do the "Tour de France" next year and will be away ahead of all of them!!!, Love Ya Mom.

Friday, 6 June 2008 - 9:37 PM PDT

Name: "jimmy miller"

hey brian, looks like your having the time of your life! the guys at work are always talking about your trip. tell me you have lost weight. ha ha  well keep pedeling cant wait till you get back and share some of your stories with us  take care and be safe your friend jimmy  

Saturday, 7 June 2008 - 5:54 AM PDT

Name: "Ron Reed"

Hey Brian

Man, the hospitality of the Russian people absolutely amazes me!  As I've said before, it's got to have a lot to do with your personality but even with that I still wouldn't have thought them to be so incredibly friendly and warm.  That's awesome! Sounds like things are really working out great for you, hope it continues all the way through to Hong Kong.

Danielle, Jimmy and I are always wondering where you're at and  what kind of adventure you're having, keep up the good work! 

Keep riding safe brother.


Sunday, 8 June 2008 - 7:10 PM PDT

Name: "Kirk Bennett"

Hey sounds great brian, just one question. Was it a black or white banya? and did you have to borrow a chapka or did you get your own? Take care and be safe.


                                            Kirk Bennett

Oh ya, remember what Hemingway said,


It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle.

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