Brian's Blog
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Cheatin'in the Ukraine
Well folks I made it to Kiev, the largest city and capital of Ukrainia and an unbelievably beautiful city. Some awesome monuments and a thousand plus year old church complex that looks over the park like setting of the city. Waiting at a red light I met Gennardi, saw him again a few blocks later and next thing you know we were heading over to his parents flat across the river. They were very nice people who welcomed this complete stranger into thier home no problem. Next day Gennardi showed me all around Kiev and since he was heading back to his home in Donets'K in eastern Ukraine I decided to jump on the train too and "cheated" 400 miles east. The train trip alone was a cool experience, everyone packed into a sleeper car, the bike all apart and lashed down at the back of the car. Staying now at his place with his wife Natasha and college aged son Anthony. Their generosity is truly a nice thing to be a part of. Probably kick it here for a day, having at this point of the trip to plot a slightly different course thru Russia thru Volgograd and into Kazakhstan a bit furthur south than planned but more . Knew all along at some points I'd have to rely on the locals knowledge and their concern was I was heading into a part of Kazakhstan a little too remote. all is going well, the toughest part of the trek is still ahead of me from the Volgograd area all the way into eastern China. Getting good maps here and plotting the the plan. I'm having a little difficulty at the moment uploading my latest pics but perhaps by the time you read this I'll have them up. Thanks for checking in. Later, Brian
Posted by briansride
at 9:47 AM PDT
Thursday, 22 May 2008 - 4:31 PM PDT
Thanks Brian for the great updates, what a fortunate guy you are that personality of yours is beyond words. the train ride was a great Idea maybe you can do the same when and if you get the opportunity as you go along, Maureen was reading your blog on her break at work so she called me then I called Ken so we are all with you, Im sure Sheree will see it this evening, Love Ya Mom.
Friday, 23 May 2008 - 12:47 AM PDT
Brian, I think you should be the next Ambassador to represent the USA. You have a kickass foriegn policy personality. Keep up your pace and we will see you back at UAL.
Saturday, 24 May 2008 - 1:11 AM PDT
Brian, this is the most amazing thing I've ever heard of anyone doing. I am Shay's friend and wish you nothing but the best on this amazing journey of yours. Hopefully one day I will get the chance to hear about this once in a lifetime experience that you are taking on. Please take care of yourself and we look forward to seeng you at the end of the road. Appreciate every moment on your trip as we would love to be there right along with you. Take care, Justin
Saturday, 24 May 2008 - 11:03 AM PDT
"Albert (aka Jose)"
Hi Brian, just a note to let you know that I am sharing your trek with the locals in Gilroy. . . the Grin-n-Spin riding club wishes you well and is looking forward to meeting you and hearing of your experiences when you return. . . . One member, Mac, was wondering about your path, the Himalayans or the Gobi Desert?? or have you figured out an alternate route? Speed safely and let us know if you need anything. . .
Saturday, 24 May 2008 - 3:44 PM PDT
Home Page:
http://Brians Son
Albert, I saw your question on your post and as of right now I believe Brian is going the Gobi route. I think he is also taking the advice of locals into consideration and may change the route.
Monday, 26 May 2008 - 2:28 PM PDT
Albert how are ya. thanks for your intrest. I am heading for the Gobi. Heading across western China there's not much other choice. The Himilayas are an incredibly mountainous route which goes without saying and as I gather more info on the gobi it doesn't look as treacherous as we would imagine. There are villages along the way and as long as I stay smart about the water and distance and heat issues I should be ok. I'm feeling good, the bikes hanging in there and the people so far have just been wonderful. Thanks for checking in and look forward to talking to you in person when I return. brian
Tuesday, 3 June 2008 - 2:22 AM PDT
Home Page:
Hi Brian, it was a pleasure to meet you at the side of the road :) even if we only had little time to chat, it was most interesting to meet you! We now feel like lazy bastards travelling on motorized bicycles.. I hope you were not eaten by the gazillions of mosquitos that live along the Wolga. We reached Astrahan yesterday and did't go to Volgograd at all. We went around the city straight towards Kazakhstan, but are now having a day off here in Astrahan to change oil and so on... We hope you have a good time in Volgograd! In case you are staying with any of our roadside friends say hello to them. Max send some photos, so I'll forward them in case you didn't get them. We'll keep following your trip and wish you all the best! Bettina
Thursday, 12 June 2008 - 9:41 AM PDT
"Margaret (Brians Mother)"
Hi Bettina, I have been reading your Blog how very interesting and informative, Brian told me about his meeting with you and how much he enjoyed it. Like yourselves he is very adventuress just loves to travel to different Countries, we all thought he was crazy when he came up with the Idea but he is proving us wrong, he had to go through the drilling process in Russia a little but survived it. Well I just want to wish you both a safe and enjoyable journey the rest of the way, Take care, Margaret.
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