Brian's Blog
Thursday, 17 April 2008
we have taken Holland..
Mood:  a-ok

Sitting in Serini and Jerome Smit's Bakery shop in Shiedam, Holland. Serini is an old friend of my brother Kenneth's. Made it to the UK from Fla. no problem about 4/7. Hung out a week there at me Mum in laws and had a great time with all of Sheree's family. Never to far from a pub in England. Had a great ride to the coast thru small villages. Made the boat to Holland after spending a day in Capt. Fryatt's pub with a bunch of great locals.  Arrived in Holland 4/16 in the am. Short scenic ride to Jerome and Serini's and having such a good time decided to stay an extra day. Very cool to finally be on the continent. Tomorrow heading east. Hopefully I'll be able to upkeep the info along the way. This is only getting better.   

Posted by briansride at 6:59 AM PDT

Saturday, 26 April 2008 - 8:12 PM PDT

Name: "Ron"

Hey Brian

Just wondering where you're at now.  Just saw a news story on how bad the Dollar is doing in Europe (and everywhere else as well), oh well, there goes those 5 star hotels....

Keep on pedaling and ride safe

(Hey Cody, thanks for fixing the comments feature!)


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