Brian's Blog
Sunday, 28 September 2008
BANG A GONG I'M IN HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  celebratory

I MADE IT!! Rolled thru the Shenzhen customs entry this morning after putting in a string of five 90-100k days from Shaoguan. Folks this has still not hit me. My visions of rolling down the final hill into Hong Kong were just that. Turns out that to get to Hong Kong Island it's either a ferry or a bus ride. Plus the airport is on a different island. Plus I didn't know where my friends cousin lived besides the fact I couldn't raise her on the phone. No problem! This journey has turned almost daily on the good will of strangers. Oiling my noisy chain on the side of a bike path (due to a killer rain storm I rode thru yesterday) I meet KS and his wife. They hear "the story" and the next thing I'm heading to their place to use the computer. Now all problems are solved. Going to visit Hong Kong city in the morning, zipping in on the back of a motorcycle. As KS puts in a few work hours in the morning, I'll visit the city. In the afternoon we'll mail off the bike and equipment and tues. morning early bussing out to the airport to try to get flight to San Francisco. It's not what I expected but what's new? I had visions of pouring an ice cold beer all over the bike and myself, doing a jig in the street! Hey I'm just so glad I'm only a few days away from seeing my wife and the boys, all my friends and sharing all the crazy stories. I have traveled a lifetime in 8 months. Completed a trek I have dreamed of for years and lost over 40 lbs. doing it. I've made friends all over the world and my life and outlook on it will be forever changed. Washed my mind of all the petty problems and worries that weigh us all down as the years go on. I can see and feel what's important and what's not. I'm the luckiest guy on earth today. I've ridden a bicycle around the world. Around the world.  To all my family, old friends and new ones that helped me out so much, thanks for following along, thanks for emailing and givng me a boost when I needed it and thanks for checking in to see where the fat guy on the orange bike is today!! Be cool and see you all soon.     Brian         

Posted by briansride at 1:44 AM PDT

Sunday, 28 September 2008 - 10:34 AM PDT

Name: "Maureen"

We've been waiting months, sometimes with bated breath, to read those words "Made it to Hong Kong".  Congratulations, Brian, I am so proud of you. 

Sunday, 28 September 2008 - 11:36 AM PDT

Name: "Bettina"

Hi Brian,

I am absolutely impressed and hope I can follow your example one day. All this long long way on a bike without engine ---Congratulations!!!



Sunday, 28 September 2008 - 12:53 PM PDT

Name: "Mom"

Welcome almost home Brian, and a special thanks to all the wonderful people that you met along the way that made you more determined to finish your goal when there may have been a moment or two when you doubted yourself and that Im sure will remain life long friends for you and so many nationalitys, just a special thanks from me,

Brians Mother.

Monday, 29 September 2008 - 2:10 AM PDT

Name: "brian"

Bettina! So cool you're still checking in. Yes I can't believe I made it here. Met some more wonderful people who've helped me out once again and the bike was mailed today and I'm heading for the airport in the morning. As someone who has gone on a pretty darn long trip yourself you can imagine how happy I am that it's over and heading home to everyone. You and Marcin are some of the many people who made this trip so intresting and rewarding. If not for you two I would have never had such a cool volgograd experience. Let me know when you're out west again and stop by! thanks     Brian

Monday, 29 September 2008 - 4:48 AM PDT

Name: "Ron Reed"

JUST AWESOME!! Those words "I made it" were a long time coming for you, I can't imagine how amped you are to be able to say them!!

You are freakin' SUPERMAN!!!

Congratulations brother!  Can't wait to talk to you on the phone!

Take care...




Monday, 29 September 2008 - 7:57 AM PDT

Name: "Mark G"

Congrats brother. I've always had the faith you have what it takes to accomplish what most people couldn't concieve as a possibility. Welcome home.

Monday, 29 September 2008 - 11:40 AM PDT

Name: "john haywood"
Home Page: http://brians blog

well i wasn't sure when you left,you looked as if you were not ready mentally but after a few days i began to think you were in it for the long hall . i have been following along ,and just amazed at how much different the world is than the news and the gov.makes it look. just cant get over that you finally made it their. but going to miss the pictures ,and adventures as you went along. see you at the shop when you get back.  after some  time with your family and close friends, got to come by the bmw bike shop.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008 - 9:22 AM PDT

Name: "Brian"
Home Page:

I discovered your blog today. Congratulations on your amazing trek.

My name is Brian too. I also keep a blog and I wrote a little about your blog on mine!

Saturday, 11 October 2008 - 4:45 PM PDT

Name: "penny"
Home Page:

Congratulations Brian!


Caught up to you on Rusty Node, the other Brian's blog.

That is an accomplishment indeed.

Me, I ride alot, not as much as you, but about 2000 plus kms this year.

I am jealous of your travels, but happy for your accomplishment.


What memories you have made, what stories you can tell,


Monday, 10 January 2011 - 1:56 PM PST

Name: "Michael Altfield"
Home Page:


I've only just discovered your blog, but I'm unspeakably impressed with your adventure. Last summer I biked from FL to CA--my first tour & with very little experience on a bicycle. When I made it to California, I had much the same feelings as you. I can't imagine what my life would have been like had I not lived this experience. One day, I hope have an opportunity to tour though Europe & Asia.

Congratulations. You're the man.

Michael Altfield 

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