Brian's Blog
Monday, 28 July 2008
Relaxin' in Shanshan
Mood:  a-ok

It's only been a few days since the last blog but I found a hotel in Shanshan with internet in the room. Was turned away from a couple of hotels in the past few days, didn't understand why, like they didn't want an American staying there. Then I spoke with a Chinese policeman and he explained that not all hotels are allowed to accept foreigners. A shame since the small places are always the cheapest and all I want is a bed and a shower. Many times they only offer cold water!

Had a time this morning trying to get an atm machine to accept my card. A bank teller walked me down the street like 4 blocks to a bank that it would work at. Try that in San Francisco! It was getting late in the morning so I decided to stay an extra day here.Managed to upload lots of photos so it was worth it. The temps here are in the low 100's in the mid afternoon, been going thru like a gallon+ of water everyday. The landscape is Mars like, rock, dirt, and barren mountains.

Spent one day fighting a strong cross wind that kept blowing me off the road. Had to ride for miles kind of tacking the wind with a leg out to catch myself when the sudden gusts would just move you sideways without warning.Saw two trucks turned over and many truck windsheilds laying in the dirt from past accidents. Been seeing camels and all the signs are in Chinese and some Islamic writing, evidence that much of this region, population, and culture had once been part of Kazakstan and Uzbekistan before the Chinese took over.

Still trying to get used to the food, it's so different and of course I don't know one Chinese symbol so it's hard to order. Also alot of it just doesn't agree with me. The heat, pedaling, and food issues should work out well for my continuing weight loss program! If I make it home and my snoring has decreased I'm sure Sheree will feel it was all worth it! There's a major eclipse coming about August 1st and apparently I'm in one of the best parts of the world to see it, perhaps I'll be in a small village and predict it, they'll really think I'm cool!

China is a fascinating place, glad to be here but really glad it's my final country. Everything is going well and this adventure just keeps rolling along. Everyday I roll out of bed or the bag and wonder what will happen today? My luck is holding and I thank you all for following along. Until next time, take it easy. Later    Brian

Posted by briansride at 12:29 AM PDT

Monday, 28 July 2008 - 6:24 PM PDT

Name: "Mark Gabriel"

Great pictures. Glad you were able to get decent web access. What an experence. Keep the wheels turning. God speed, John G... I mean Brian.

Thursday, 31 July 2008 - 12:50 AM PDT

Name: "Don Elbert"

I have been following your progress on your sojourn around the world. I must say you sure have a "Knack" for finding all the nice people out there. Iam sad to hear that your journey is almost over its been really fun to read your blogs. Take care and Happy Trails.

Thursday, 31 July 2008 - 10:17 AM PDT

Name: "Darien"



Good people, attract good people in the their adventure.


Oh.. by the way I didn’t see any pictures of camel toes?



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