Brian's Blog
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Back to the Wrenches...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Via Cody

Hello all, this is Cody, Brian’s son. Brian is in Chelyabinsk, which is about 150k North of Kazakhstan. I had thought he was in Kazak already as I had told some of you, but he is not. He is helping a French guy, Demeitri, fix the transmission in his land rover. He was pedaling by and started to help, now he is waist-deep in the project. He has been waiting on a black market transmission to install, but that takes time. He says it should arrive today, (6/24) and he is going to work non-stop until it is done and then he will leave. He says that he knows it sounds silly and he could “blow this guy off and tell him he’s on his own, but I said I’d help so now I’m going to follow thru  any time I’ve lost he’ll give me a ride forward so I’ll be back on schedule.” He says that he “won’t be fixing everyone’s car I happen upon, many good people have been good to me on this ride so I figure I’m paying back with a good deed good for my karma account.”

Brian has been having trouble posting a blog, as the one computer he has access to is in a different language layout and is confusing. He is being put up in a flat on the grounds of a Catholic Church. He says the father is really nice and has been feeding him. Overall, he is safe and sound. He will post a blog himself as soon as he is able to, signing off… Cody.

Posted by briansride at 8:50 AM PDT

Tuesday, 24 June 2008 - 10:08 AM PDT

Name: "Darien"




Tuesday, 24 June 2008 - 11:57 AM PDT

Name: "Maureen"

We're all breathing alot easier.  Me & your gran'ma say "thanks", Cody! 

Tuesday, 24 June 2008 - 10:06 PM PDT

Name: "Mark"

Good to hear he's OK.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008 - 7:35 AM PDT

Name: "Ron"


Thanks for the update Cody!  Really glad to hear he's doing well.

So the visions I had of him having to slip out of Russia in a garbage truck or hiding under a pile of hay being pulled by a horse drawn cart could still happen right?  OK. maybe my imagination is a bit overactive....

thanks again,


Monday, 16 February 2009 - 7:15 AM PST

Name: "bikoly"
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I can run only 5km. I go to sport, soon I will can 10km to run. I find one good sport program (use ) and train by it every day 

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Via Cody